Drawing upon unique manufacturing heritage to meet industry challenges
Greenwich Manufacturing Group (GMG) at the University of Greenwich has a unique set of integrated and world-class capabilities that are directly relevant to companies wishing to maintain their competitive edge in the fast-moving world of modern manufacturing.
GMG draws upon a strong and unique manufacturing heritage that has seen the University of Greenwich working with both large and small companies to address a diverse range of manufacturing-related challenges. Furthermore, as these challenges in manufacturing have evolved to become more interdisciplinary in nature, GMG has responded by pulling together teams from across the university to successfully tackle the problems at hand.
The University of Greenwich prides itself, not only in providing students with the skills they need to become key contributors of a future workforce, but also in exploiting a rich portfolio of manufacturing research to provide companies with industry-relevant solutions to help them maintain their competitive position in those parts of the manufacturing value chain where they operate.
The Greenwich Manufacturing Group (GMG) brings together around one hundred academic staff from all three faculties at the University of Greenwich. With this critical mass and annual research funding grants amounting to around £5 million, the Greenwich Manufacturing Group represents one of the largest groups of university-based manufacturing expertise in the South East of the UK.
The Four Core Capability Areas of GMG are:
Computational Modelling and Simulation
The University of Greenwich is fortunate to have one of the UK's strongest computational modelling and simulation capabilities, and in particular for electronics reliability and for metals and minerals processing.
The Computational Mechanics and Reliability Group (CMRG) is a world leader in the development and application of computer-aided technologies to understand and predict the physical behaviour, performance, reliability, and maintainability of complex electronics engineering systems and products.
Industrial Processing
Industrial processing lies at the very heart of manufacturing and its importance is reflected in the nomination of the Centre for Process Innovation as one of the hubs of the UK's High Value Manufacturing Catapult. The University of Greenwich has a diverse range of capabilities relevant to the process industries including: bulk solids and particulates handling; biopharmaceuticals manufacture; and biorefining and bioprocessing.
Manufacturing informatics
The Greenwich Manufacturing Group recognises the fundamental importance that ICT will continue to have right across the manufacturing value chain.
Supply Chain Management and Logistics
GMG has a particular focus on supply chain systems with a 'circular flow' of products. This requires a shift from a ‘linear economy’ to a ‘circular economy’ i.e. from an economy based on the conversion of raw materials into products which end their lives as waste, to an economy where products are re-used, re-purposed, repaired, remanufactured and recycled, cascaded, and recovered rather than being used and discarded.
Find out more at www.enterprise.gre.ac.uk/gmg